Meghan Markle's nephew 'took knife to club after Trump said London's a war zone'
Meghan Markle’s nephew Tyler Dooley is a cannabis farmer who is made a new drug called Markle’s Sparkle. (Picture: Mega)
Meghan Markle’s nephew reportedly carried a knife into a club in London because Donald Trump called the capital a war zone.

Legal cannabis farmer Tyler Dooley, who wasn’t invited to the wedding on Saturday, told another partygoer he was carrying the blade ‘for protection’.

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According to reports Dooley admitted to carrying the four-inch blade on him as he entered Bacchus nightclub in Kingston, south west London and handed it over to bouncers.

He is said to have told another partygoer: ‘I just brought it because Donald Trump said London was like a war zone. I had it for protection.’

The Sun reported that Dooley, 25, was celebrating Meghan’s wedding to Prince Harry with his mother, Tracy, older brother TJ, 26, and his girlfriend when they went to the club.

Meghan's nephew carried knife into London club because Trump called the capital a 'war zone' Picture: Tracy Dooley, ex-wife of Meghan Markle's half brother Thomas Markle Jr, pictured with her son Tyler Dooley Credit: ITV
Tracy Dooley, ex-wife of Meghan Markle’s half brother Thomas Markle Jr, pictured with her son Tyler Dooley, who were said to be out celebrating the wedding (Picture: ITV)

Dooley told bouncers he had the lock-knife on him as they were being searched and handed it over to staff.


But he is reported to have left the scene after security rang police and other clubbers told him he would be arrested, despite some members of their party already having made it inside.

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It is believed TJ then returned to try and explain.

A source added: ‘They were all obviously a bit tipsy from celebrating the wedding, but not in bad spirits. As Tyler came up to the bouncer, he said, “I have a knife on me”.

‘They acted very calmly and dialled 999 and that’s when some local guys told him he’d get arrested. At that point he ran off.’

President Donald Trump speaks about the high school shooting in Texas from the East Room of the White House in Washington, Friday, May 18, 2018, during a Prison Reform Summit. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
Trump was criticised for comparing London to a ‘war zone’ earlier this month (Picture: AP)

Trump was heavily criticised earlier this month after he compared a hospital in London to being like a ‘war zone’ because of stabbings in the capital.

He told a National Rifle Convention (NRA) in Dallas: ‘And instead there’s blood all over the floors of this hospital. They say it’s as bad as a military war zone hospital.’

Meghan’s extended family arrived in London last week despite none of them having been invited to the wedding.

But to celebrate their nuptials Dooley, from Oregon, invented a custom cannabis strain called Markle’s Sparkle.

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